Youth Outfitters is an exciting and thriving part of Great Hope Baptist Church!
With two services a week, regular activities and outreach, a summer camp program, and bi-annual missions trips outside of the United States, our teens are always busy and involved!The purpose of Youth Outfitters is to be an asset to parents as they seek to raise their young people in a hostile world. Our goal is to guide each teen's relationship with Christ to new heights by equipping them to seek and win the lost, encouraging them to become active servants in the local church, and instilling in them a love for God and His Word. Most of all, we desire that our teens bring glory to God through their lives. We also believe that we can have fun doing it! Our weekly studies include such topics as faith, friendships, relationships, response to authority, and many more directed specifically to the needs of our teenagers.
Youth Outfitters is open to all 7th through 12th grade students. Our regular meeting times are Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.