In the last moments that Christ was on this earth, He gave to his disciples The Great Commission.
It is the job of every Christian to be actively involved in reaching this lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that world evangelization is one of the greatest thrusts of Great Hope Baptist Church.We have established three specific ministries to reach the world with the gospel of Christ. The first ministry is our Faith Promise Missions Program which supports approximately 8 mission projects and over 107 missionaries around the world. Our second missions ministry is Christian Layman Assisting Missions Projects (C.L.A.M.P.). Along with supporting preachers and church planters, Great Hope has established C.L.A.M.P. as a ministry designed to assist pastors and missionaries around the world with construction. This ministry allows our men to go to the mission field and serve on the field using the skills that God has given them. The third missions ministry we have is our teen missions trips. We take our teens on missions trips every other year so they can be exposed to what God is doing in other countries.
Are you having an impact on this world, or is this world having an impact on you? Great Hope Baptist Church is affecting the world one soul at a time.